Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church

Lay Academy -- The Bible in Context


 Up I Thessalonians 4-5 II Thessalonians I Corinthians 1-5 I Corinthians 6-10 I Corinthians 11-16 II Corinthians 1-5 II Corinthians 6-10 II Corinthians 11-13 Romans 1-2 Romans 3-4 Romans 5-6 Romans 7-8 Roman 9-10 Romans 11-12 Romans 13-14 Romans 15-16 Colossians 1-2 Colossians 3-4 Ephesians 1-3 Ephesians 4-6 Philemon Philippians 1-2 Philippians 3-4 I Timothy II Timothy Titus Galatians 1-3 Galatians 4-6 I Thessalonians 1-3 Hebrews1-4

February 4,  2009

Romans Chapters 15-16


“Christ Did Not Please Himself”


Answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above".


Note:  All quotations are from the NIV 


1. “The insults of those who insult have fallen on me.”  Paul quotes from

a.       Genesis 30

b.       I Samuel 15:29

c.       Psalm 69:9

d.       Micah 6:16


2. Christ has become the servant of --:

          a.       the church

          b.       the Jews

          c.       mankind

          d.       Gentiles


3. Paul used the power of -- :

a.       signs

b.       miracles

c.       oratory

d.       prophecy


4.  Paul has preached the gospel from Jerusalem round to  –:

a.      Ephesus

b.      Illyricum

c.       Rome

d.      Spain


5.       Paul says he is on his way to Jerusalem in order to -- :

a.       deliver a collection

b.       be named as an apostle

c.       ask for recognition of the Gentile church

d.       to defend himself against charges of heresy



6.  Paul may need to rescued from -- :

a.       Jewish unbelievers

b.       Roman magistrates

c.       Herodians

d.       Sicarii


7.  (advanced)  Prisca and Aquila -- :

a.       had been expelled from Rome

b.       persuaded Apollos to change his beliefs

c.       were tentmakers

d.       traveled with Paul to Syria


8. Paul lists Andronicus and Junias as -- :

a.       missionaries

b.       saints

c.       deacons

d.       apostles


9. Paul warns against those who -- :

a.       demand money

b.       cause divisions

c.       write regulations

d.       insist on circumcision


10. Erastus is -- :

a.       city chamberlain

b.       director of public works

c.       bishop

d.       archdeacon