Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church
Lay Academy -- The Bible in Context
January 25, 2009
Romans Chapters 13-14
“Awake From Sleep”
Answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above".
Note: All quotations are from the NRSV
1. (advanced) “There is no authority except from God” At the time of writing this, the supreme secular authority was:
a. Claudius
b. Nero
c. Vespasian
d. Marcus Aurelius
2. You should pay taxes because:
a. they pay for churches
b. they pay for soldiers to defend the state
c. they pay for homeless shelters
d. the authorities are God’s servants
3. Paul cites how many commandments?
a. two
b. four
c. eight
d. ten
4. “Put on the armor of –“:
a. faith
b. hope
c. love
d. light
5. The early church included:
a. vegetarians
b. pacifists
c. universalists
d. dualists
6. Christ died and lived again in order to -- :
a. establish the Kingdom of God
b. be Lord of the living and the dead
c. atone for sins
d. bring the Word to men
7. We will all stand before --:
a. the Pearly Gates
b. the Judgement Seat of God
c. the Judgement of our own consciences
d. the judgement of our peers
8. Whether or not anything is kosher is defined by --:
a. the Torah
b. the Prophets
c. the Writings
d. the Oral Law
9. The Kingdom of God is -- :
a. righteousness
b. peace
c. joy
d. love
10.Fill in the blank. “Do not, for the sake of XXX, destroy the work of God.”
a. power
b. security
c. family
d. food