Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church
Lay Academy
July 12, 2009
LIBRARY – 11.15 a.m.
II John and III John
“Do Not Imitate Evil”
Answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above".
Quotations are from NIV, unless otherwise stated.
1. II John is written to -- :
a. the children of the dispersion
b. the churches of Asia
c. a certain lady
d. Gaius
2. The writer says he is not --:
a. finding children walking in the truth
b. writing a new commandment
c. coming to visit
d. introducing a messenger
3. “Deceivers” do not -- :
a. accept the Nicene Creed
b. preach the baptism of John
c. accept that Christ came in the flesh
d. accept payment for their services
4. If anyone comes to you who does not bring (true) teaching --
a. debate him in public
b. report him to the authorities
c. take him into your house
d. pray for him
5. The writer of II John sends greetings from --:
a. the reader’s sister
b. the Church in Ephesus
c. Paul and Sylvanus
d. friends
6. III John is written to -- :
a. the children of the dispersion
b. the churches of Asia
c. a certain lady
d. Gaius
7. “The brothers” have told the church about the readers’ -- :
a. faith
b. love
c. persecution
d. teaching
8. Who “will have nothing to do with us”? :
a. Paul
b. Diotrophes
c. Peter
d. Philemon
9. The writer commends -- :
a. Diotrophes
b. Diogenes
c. Demetrius
d. Damien
10. The writer of III John sends greetings from --:
a. the reader’s sister
b. the Church in Ephesus
c. Paul and Sylvanus
d. friends