Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church
Lay Academy
June 14, 2009
LIBRARY – 11.15 a.m.
I Peter
“Aliens and Exiles”
Answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above".
Quotations are from the NRSV
1. I Peter is addressed to --
a. Exiles of the Dispersion
b. Brothers in Christ
c. The Church of God in Galatia
d. Bishops
2. The writer urges his readers to be -- :
a. law-abiding
b. faithful
c. evangelistic
d. holy
3. The addressees are -- :
a. a chosen race
b. a royal priesthood
c. a holy nation
d. God’s own people
4. The addressees should --:
a. worship the emperor
b. honor the emperor
c. ignore the emperor
d. oppose the emperor
5. The writer warns women against --:
a. Cults of the Mother
b. fine clothing
c. associating with men
d. braiding hair
6. Christ preached to --:
a. principalities and powers
b. pagan governors
c. high priests
d. spirits in prison
7. The readers have spent time in -- :
a. drunkenness
b. idolatry
c. prayer
d. study
8. “The gospel was proclaimed even to the –“ :
a. priests
b. pagans
c. angels
d. dead
9. The letter was written with the help of --:
a. Paul
b. Timothy
c. Silas
d. Barnabas
10. The writer sends greetings from --:
a. Rome
b. Babylon
c. Jerusalem
d. Ephesus