Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

The Bible in Context

May 18, 2008, 9:30 a.m.

"Everyone Talks Against This Sect" -- Acts 28: 17-31

1. Paul called together:

a. Roman Christians

b. Jewish leaders

c. Pagan priests

d. Philosophers

2. Paul said he was:

a. arrested by Romans and handed over to Jews

b. arrested by Jews and handed over to the Romans

c. arrested by Pharisees and handed over to the high priests

d. arrested by the temple police


3. Paul said he was chained for:

a speaking against the Emperor

b. the hope of Israel

c. setting up an illegal religion

d. insulting the High Priest

4. The Roman Christians said they had:

a. received letters saying that Paul was a traitor

b. received letters saying that Paul was a heretic

c. received letters saying that Paul was an imposter

d, received Paul's "Letter to the Romans"

5. Paul based his case on:

a. divine revelation

b. apostolic support

c. historical interpretation

d. the Jewish scriptures

6, Paul's audience --

a. were convinced

b. were unconvinced

c. disagreed

d. wanted a second opinion

7. Paul's final statement implies:

a. he had been talking only to Greeks

b. he had been talking only to Jews

c. he had been talking only to Romans

d. he had been talking only to Christians

8. Paul quotes from:

a. Amos

b. Isaiah

c. Jeremiah

d. Ezekiel

9. Paul stayed in his rented house:

a. two days

b. two weeks

c. two months

d. two years

10. At his trial, Paul was found:

a. guilty

b. not guilty

c. guilty but insane

d. innocent on a technicality

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