Acts 23

Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy


March 16, 2008 (postponed from March 9)

9:30 a.m.


Acts 23 "To His Excellency, the Governor"



Answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"



1. (Advanced) Paul stood before the high priest, Ananias. The chief priest who had sent Paul to Damascus was:

a. Annas

b. Caiaphas

c. Ananias

d. Theophilus


2. Paul started a fight between :

a. Conservatives and Pharisees

b. Pharisees and Saduccees

c. Collaborators and Nationalists

d. Essenes and Zealots


3. The chiliarch feared that Paul would be:

a. stoned

b. kidnapped

c. taken into the temple

d. torn apart


4. How many Jews formed a conspiracy against Paul?

a. 4

b. 14

c. 40

d. 400


5. The plot was exposed by Paul's :

a. father

b. wife

c. brother

d. nephew


6. How many men were ordered to protect Paul?

a. 20

b. 150

c. 310

d. 470


7. The chiliarch's name was:

a. Sergius Paulus

b. Claudias Lysias

c. Julius Mithras

d. Marcus Antonius


8. The chiliarch wrote that he rescued Paul when he learned he was:

a. Egyptian

b. Greek

c. Roman

d. Syrian


9. The governor's name was:

a. Felix

b. Festus

c. Vitellius

d. Vespasian


10. The governor had Paul put in:

a. a holding cell

b. the royal praetorium

c. the local synagogue

d. the cavalry barracks

 Up Acts 20 Acts 21 Acts 22 Acts 23 Acts 24 Acts 25 Acts 26 Acts 27 Acts 28 Part 1 Acts 28 Part 2