Matthew 27

Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

Darkness Over The Land

Matthew 27

Peter Combes – May 25, 2003

Home Up Matthew_28 Matthew 27 Luke 1:1 -- 2:52 Matthew 25 Matthew 24 Matthew 23 Matthew 22 Matthew 21 Matthew 20 Matthew 18 Matthew 17 Matthew 1 Matthew 2 Matthew 3 Matthew 4 Matthew 5 Matthew 6 Matthew 7 Matthew 8 Matthew 9 Matthew 10 Matthew 11 Matthew 12 Matthew 13 Matthew 14 Matthew 15 Matthew 16


(The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above")

1.       Matthew says that Judas:
  1. hanged himself
  2. was assassinated by Sicarii
  3. burst apart
  4. had a heart attack

2.       On the potter's field, Matthew apparently quotes Jeremiah.  However, the prophecy is actually in:

  1. Zechariah 11
  2. Ezekiel 17
  3. Habbakuk 3
  4. Proverbs 31
3.     Speaking to Jesus, Pilate uses the title:  
4.     Read Luke 23.  According to Matthew. Jesus was mocked by Roman troops.  According to Luke, the soldiers belonged to: 
  1. the high priest
  2. Herod Antipas
  3. the Governor of Syria
  4. the King of Nabatea
5.     The trial of Jesus resulted in:
  1. war with Nabatea
  2. the arraignment of Herod Antipas
  3. the arraignment of Pontius Pilate
  4. the reconciliation of Antipas and Pilate
6.       Casting lots for clothing fulfils a prophecy from:
  1. Isaiah 59
  2. Job 22
  3. Proverbs 27
  4. Psalm 22

7.      On the cross, Jesus quotes from:

  1. Isaiah 53
  2. Ecclesiastes 11
  3. Leviticus 14
  4. Psalm 22
8.        On the death of Jesus:
  1. the sky is darkened
  2. a voice speaks from heaven
  3. tombs are opened
  4. the Mount of Olives splits in two
9.        The crucifixion was witnessed by
  1. Mary Magdalene
  2. Salome
  3. Mary the mother of Jesus
  4. Mary the mother of James
10.       The tomb was guarded by:
  1. temple police
  2. Herodian troops
  3. Roman auxiliaries
  4. mercenaries