Matthew 10

Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

Sheep in the Midst of Wolves

Matthew 10

Peter Combes – January 12, 2003

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Printable Version

(The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above")


1.       The twelve disciples included:
  1. a tax collector
  2. a Zealot
  3. former disciples of John
  4. Essenes
2.      Jesus authorized the twelve disciples to :
  1. exorcize
  2. heal
  3. baptize
  4. raise the dead
3.      Jesus prohibited visits to :
  1. Gentiles
  2. Samaritans
  3. Romans
  4. Edomites
4.       Read Genesis 18:16-33, ch.19     Jesus said that those who rejected the disciples would be:
  1. sent the Son of Man
  2. visited by Jesus
  3. prayed for by the other disciples
  4. destroyed with fire and brimstone
5.       The disciples should be:
  1. wise as serpents
  2. cunning as doves
  3. brave as lions
  4. perfect


6.         The disciples would be :
  1. flogged in synagogues
  2. brought before governors
  3. arraigned for blasphemy
  4. appointed as rulers of Israel
7.        What would happen before the end of the tour?:
  1. the world would end
  2. the Son of Man would come
  3. there would be a great earthquake
  4. the Parthians would invade
8.        Jesus had come :
  1. to encourage family life
  2. to provoke family strife
  3. to confirm the Law
  4. to revoke the Law and the Prophets
9.        "You are of more value than ---":
  1. gold
  2. princes
  3. angels
  4. sparrows
10.        Jesus calls his disciples:
  1. judges
  2. princes
  3. wise men
  4. little ones