Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church

Lay Academy – The Bible in Context



February 21, 2010 (new date)  9:30 a.m. – CCPC Room 350B

Ignatius to Smyrna

"Abjure All Factions”

Answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above".

(References are to the New Advent translation)


1.      Ignatius refers to Antipas as --:

          a.      Herod the Great

          b.      Herod Agrippa I

          c.       Herod Agrippa II

          d.      Herod the tetrarch


2.      When “certain unbelievers” are divested of their bodies, they --:       

a.      will see God

          b.      will become angels

          c.       will go to Purgatory

          d.      will be evil spirits


3.      The evidence for the physical state of the resurrected Christ is that --:         

a.      he showed the marks of the crucifixion

          b.      he ate and drank

          c.       he spoke with a loud voice

          d.      he was not recognisable


4.      He that is among wild beasts is in company with --:         

a.      soldiers

          b.      demons

          c.       angels

          d.      God



5.      He who denies the physical nature of Jesus --:      

a.      is not paying attention

          b.      is writing his own gospel

          c.       is totally confused

          d.      is enveloped in death


6.      The Docetists --:

          a.      refuse baptism

          b.      refuse communion

          c.       refuse confession

          d.      refuse absolution


7.      For the first time, Ignatius uses the term --:

          a.      Orthodox Church

b.      Catholic Church

c.       Universal Church

d.      Church Militant



8.      The Smyrneans have received --:

          a.      Paul

          b.      Philo

          c.       Rheus Agathopus

          d.      James


9.      Ignatius tells the Smyrneans to send a delegate to --:

          a.      Rome

          b.      Ephesus

          c.       Jerusalem

          d.      Antioch


10.    Whom does Ignatius describe as “well-beloved”?

          a.      Polycarp

          b.      Onesimus

          c.       Alce

          d.      Burrhus