Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church

Lay Academy – The Bible in Context



January 31, 2010  9:30 a.m. (new date)   – Room 350B

Ignatius to the Philadelphians

"Poisonous Weeds”

Answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above".

(References are to the New Advent translation)


1.                 Ignatius is struck with admiration for  --:

          a.      the intelligence of the bishop

          b.      the learning of the bishop

          c.       the faith of the bishop

          d.      the meekness of the bishop


2.      Ignatius describes the Philadelphians as  --: 

a.      children of Christ

          b.      children of the devil

          c.       children of the Spirit

          d.      children of light


3.      Ignatius condemns those who --: 

a.      hold strange opinions

          b.      do not love

          c.       have no faith

          d.      start separate churches


4.      Ignatius implies that the prophets --:     

a.      existed only in the Old Testament

b.      existed up to John the Baptist

          c.       existed up to sub-apostolic times

          d.      existed at the time of writing


5.      Ignatius believes that Christians --:       

a.      should obey the Jewish Law in its entirety

          b.      should obey the Jewish Law as modified by Jesus

c.       should obey the Jewish Law as modified by the bishop

          d.      should not obey the Jewish Law at all


6.      When he was in Philadelphia, Ignatius taught the Philadelphians --:

          a.      to love one another

          b.      to obey the bishop

          c.       to feed the hungry

          d.      to care for the sick


7.      God grants forgiveness to those who repent if --:  

          a.      they believe the true gospel

b.      they love one another

c.       they are in communion with the bishop

d.      they give all they have to the poor



8.      Whom did Ignatius call “the High Priest”?

          a.      Theophilus

          b.      Caiaphas

          c.       James

          d.      Jesus


9.      Ignatius recommends that the Philadelphians --:

          a.      start a school for new believers

          b.      set up a shelter for the homeless

          c.       send a deacon to Antioch

          d.      collect  the letters of Paul


10.    The Philadelphian church has received --:

          a.      Philo

          b.      Rheus Agathopus

          c.       Burrhus

          d.      Polycarp