12052 North Shore Drive

Reston, VA 20190


September 15, 2015


Board Members Present:     David Brych               President

                                                Peter Weed                 Treasurer

                                                Ali Ghassemian

                                                Kristine Larson



Board Members Absent:      Kathy Ray                   Vice President



Others Present:                      Tracy Plazyk               Horizon Community Services

                                                Karen Case                  Recording Secretary


I.          Call to Order:  Mr. Brych called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.


II.        Approval of Agenda:


MOTION:  Mr. Weed moved, Mr. Ghassemian seconded, to approve the agenda as presented.  The motion passed unanimously (4-0-0).


III.       Homeowner Forum:


A resident in 1663 said she has noticed a few cockroaches lately that may be coming from another building.  The Board directed residents to call Management immediately regarding any pest issues.  Management will have this taken care of.


Mr. Combes commented that his unit had a problem with pests a few years ago.  Management sent a company who did a superb job taking care of the problem, with no problems since.  It needs to be addressed on a building scale.  He thanked whoever is in charge of landscaping at the moment for the efforts being made to maintain the grass during drought conditions.




A resident in 1665 said she notices cockroaches show up when there is construction work in the community.  There has been construction throughout the summer.  She indicated there was no hot water the morning after some plumbing work was done in the building.  She asked if the plumbers are supposed to turn on the boiler when they are done working.  Mr. Brych noted if the boiler is re-started but not drained, it could take a while for that volume of water to heat up.  Management will discuss it with Kidco.


Mr. Ghassemian commented about a flea issue in his unit a couple of months ago.  He noted that the company sent out by Management treated for cockroaches instead of fleas.  He got feedback from some residents who were not happy with the service due to needing multiple applications.  He asked what can be done about this.  There was a discussion about the contractor which has had a good track record over the years.  Management will have a discussion with the contractor.


A resident commented that the trash collectors are sloppy, specifically around the recycling area.  This topic is on tonight’s agenda.


IV.       President’s Report: 


Mr. Brych noted that dead trees were removed throughout the summer.  There are a few more trees to be removed.  All of them will be replaced.  Summer has been brutal on the plantings.  About 15 or 18 dead or dying bushes were removed and will be replaced under warranty.  Mr. Brych gave a big thank you to Kathy Ray for her efforts on the landscaping.


V.        Treasurer’s Report:


Mr. Weed reported on the balances in the Association accounts.  He recommended investing $100,000 from the Morgan Stanley Money Market account into a new CD.  Mr. Weed also recommended wiring $100,000 from the Arizona Money Market to the Morgan Stanley account in preparation for investing those funds.  He will get recommendations from Morgan Stanley and email the final recommendation to the Board for review and decision.  There was a discussion about year-to-date actuals for the Tree Care and Landscape Enhancement budgets.  There are some upcoming proposals and invoices in these categories, but the Association has not paid any money against these line items so far this year.


Mr. Brych provided some general information about delinquencies.  There are currently 41 delinquent accounts which total $47,000 owed to the Association.  Of those accounts, five accounts amount to $34,000.  This is what drives the legal expenses and it impacts the Association’s budgeting overall.  The Board is doing everything it can legally do to pursue the debts.




VI.       Secretary’s Report:


No report given.


VII.     Old Business:


Playground:  Completed – the equipment was installed.


Shopping Center Update:  No new information at this time.


Website:  The website is operational.  The Board thanks Mr. Ghassemian and everyone else who worked on it.


Verizon Exposed Wires:  The County followed up on this and the wires should have been covered.  Management will take a look at this and follow up with the County.


Electric Panels:  The labeling is in progress.


Annual Inspection:  The annual inspection was completed. 


VIII.    New Business:


Roof/Gutter Inspections:  Management has scheduled roof inspections in October.  The gutter inspections are done every three months. 


Deteriorating Concrete near Recycling Center:  The contractor was on site doing repairs today. 


Recycling Center Clean Up:  Mr. Brych asked about recycling bins overflowing with construction materials.  Ms. Plazyk indicated she can have clean up around the recycling center added to the janitorial contract.


Cleaning Carport Roofs:  Management will get the carport roofs cleaned off.


IX.       Executive Session:


The Board agreed BY CONSENSUS to move into an executive session at 7:45 p.m. to discuss delinquencies, legal issues and contracts.


The Board agreed BY CONSENSUS to adjourn the executive session and reconvene the general session at 7:55 p.m.


X.        Adjournment:


The Board meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.