12052 North Shore Drive
Reston, VA 20190
September 11, 2014
Board Members Present: David Brych President
Kathy Ray Vice President
Peter Weed Treasurer
Board Members Absent: Lyndsie Galizio Secretary
Others Present: Tracy Plazyk Horizon Community Services
Karen Case Recording Secretary
I. Call to Order: Mr. Brych called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
II. Approval of Agenda:
MOTION: Mr. Weed moved, Mr. Ray seconded, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously (3-0-0)
III. Owners Forum:
Ms. Caps, from building 1659, asked what can be done about unit 100 in her building which has been vacant for three and one half years. She indicated there was water damage to the unit and there has been a strong mold/mildew smell for the past few months. She has made a complaint to the County due to the condition of the unit. She also discussed the snake activity around her building and provided an old proposal she obtained from a pest control company. There is a small hole at the steps to the building that snakes appear to be entering. Additionally, the trap for the snakes appears to have been moved.
Ms. Plazyk gave an update on the efforts so far to deal with the snakes. The pest control company has inspected, placed traps, and will continue to inspect daily. The snake issue needs to be resolved first and then the hole at the stairs can be addressed. She will contact the pest control company to have them relocate the traps and put up a sign.
Mr. Brych spoke to the issue at unit 100 in building 1659. Management will contact the attorney about sending formal notices to have the properties inspected and find out that recourses the Association has.
Mr. Combes from building 1666 made comments and requested updates on the following topics:
Resurfacing of parking areas – there are some cracks and holes which do not appear to have been treated except for sealant. Some areas of damaged curb were not addressed. There is an area where water is pooling on the pavement. Mr. Combes provided Management with photos of the areas of concern. The Board reported that the work has been completed. The curbing was not within the scope of the project. Ms. Palzyk will have a walk though with the contractor and have them inspect the areas that were discussed.
Community website – update requested. The next step is for the Board to review the initial website proofs.
Playground – update requested. The playground has been suspended because of budget and cost issues. The Board will revisit at a later time.
Park benches – update requested. The benches are on-site, however there is a delay due to an issue with Reston Association.
Sprinklers – Mr. Combes reported that there is a notice in the utility room that the interior sprinklers were last tested in February. He asked how frequently they are tested. The Board indicated that there are no internal sprinklers. Mr. Combes will take a picture of the sprinklers and email it to Ms. Plazyk.
Garbage collection – Mr. Combes said a resident complained that garbage collection was not taking place. Ms. Plazyk explained the janitorial serice places the bags of trash next to the cans before the trash company picks up. She has asked them not to do this for thirty days, to see if this resolves the matter.
Mr. Brych reported that the hand rails were being painted. Ms. Ray informed Management that the paint color was wrong. Ms. Plazyk has addressed this with the painters.
IV. President’s Report:
There was nothing to discuss that wasn’t already noted in the agenda.
V. Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Weed summarized the reinvested CD’s. He reported on the balances in the Association’s money marker accounts. Mr. Weed requested clarification from Management regarding two budget line items – Grounds Improvement and Upkeep and Landscape Enhancements. Ms. Plazyk will run a report to provide clarification on these two line items.
Mr. Weed said that the Board needs to know where the Association is relative to the budget for enhancements. The Board discussed the remaining budget for landscaping and trees. Mr. Brych noted the Association is $37,000 under planned expenses right now.
VI. Secretary’s Report:
There was no secretary’s report.
VII. Old Business:
Parking: The item was tabled.
Park Benches: Discussed under Owners Forum
Website: Discussed under Owners Forum
Light Fixture at 1669: Ms. Plazyk gave an update. The contractor needs contact information for units 300 and 301 because the will need to enter those units to install the security lights at the back of the building. Ms. Plazyk obtained a quote and she will send a letter to the residents in those areas.
Repair of Curb/Washington Gas : Ms. Plazyk is going to see if Cutting Edge can repair the curb.
Verizon – Wires Hanging from Buildings : Ms. Plazyk said the issue was passed to a Verizon supervisor and a work order was created. A Verizon representative inspected on site and said the project was too big. It has to go to another supervisor, who will come out and review it. Ms. Plazyk will send the addresses of where the wires are hanging to Mr. Brych.
VIII. New Business:
Blade Runners Proposal – Fall Landscape, Drainage and Trees : Ms. Ray reported on the walk through with Blade Runners. Three proposals were presented to address the following issues; Replacement of dying bushes, erosion, removal of trees, and tree maintenance. The Board reviewed and discussed the proposals and the budget for this work. The Board asked Management to find out from Reston Association the time frame for replacing trees that have been removed.
MOTION: Mr. Weed moved, Ms. Ray seconded, to approve the Blade Runners proposals for erosion and tree removals and maintenance, revisit the planting of trees based on the timeline from RA, and work on a budget for the fall landscape proposal in 2015. The motion passed unanimously (3-0-0)
Ms. Ray said a resident is dumping gerbil waste/bedding in a common area. Ms. Plazyk has mailed a letter to the resident.
IX. Executive Session:
The Board agreed BY CONSENSUS to adjourn the regular session and move into an executive session at 8:16 p.m.
The Board agreed BY CONSENSUS to adjourn the executive session and reconvene the general session at ___ p.m.
XI. Decisions Made After Executive Session:
MOTION: Mr. Brych moved, Mr. Weed seconded, to approve the items relating to delinquent account as discussed in Executive Session. The motion passed unanimously (3-0-0).
MOTION: Mr. Brych moved, Mr. Weed seconded, to approve the July 8, 2014 Board meeting minutes as presented The motion passed unanimously (3-0-0).
XII. Adjournment:
The Board meeting was adjourned at ___ p.m.
The above represents a transcript of the official BPCA minutes of September 11, 2014, as approved on 10/14/14.