12052 North Shore Drive

Reston, VA 20190


October 14, 2014


Board Members Present:     David Brych               President

                                                Kathy Ray                   Vice President

                                                Peter Weed                 Treasurer

                                                Lyndsie Galizio            Secretary 


Board Members Absent:      None                        


Others Present:                     Tracy Plazyk               Horizon Community Services

                                                Karen Case                  Recording Secretary


I.          Call to Order:  Mr. Brych called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.


II.        Approval of Agenda:


MOTION:  The Board approved the agenda as presented by unanimous consent.


III.       Owners Forum:


A resident from 1671-201 asked for clarification on Association rules because she received some violation letters.  Management will mail the guidelines to the resident.


A resident from 1667 – 301 asked for clarification regarding violation letters.  She provided a sample of self-adhesive weather stripping purchased at Home Depot.  She suggested this type of product can help with keeping odors such as cigarette smoke out of units.  She also discussed a problem with a cherry tree in front 0f 1665.  She sent leaves to the state for analysis.  She provided a report from the state indicating the tree has a fungus which can be treated.  The Board will take a look at it.


A resident from 1666-201 asked for an update about Tall Oaks Shopping Center.  Mr.  Brych said that if they are going to do anything they have to notify the neighbors.  The last notice with any update was about 1.5 years ago.


A resident from 1673-100 complained about the noise from fans in the trash room.  Mr. Brych said some of the fans need dampers and they are being addressed.  The resident also said there has been a long-term problem with the shrubs on the left side of 1673 leaning against the windows.  They need to be pruned back.  Ms, Ray will have the landscaper look at them during the next walk-through.


A resident from 1672-301 said the quality of work in the community is superb and Management is doing a good job.  He volunteered to manage the community website.  He also noticed people parking in the community and walking to the bus stop.  Mr. Brych said all vehicles are supposed to have stickers.  The Board is assessing the situation.


A resident from 1666-100 requested updates on the following topics:


Resurfacing of parking areas -- Ms. Plazyk said the contractor will inspect and correct any issues.  The bill has not been paid yet.


Community website  -- The Board has reviewed the sample and will be moving forward with the next steps.


Playground: -- Mr. Brych said the Board agrees the playground should be replaced, but they are trying to do it in a cost-effective manner.  Mr. Weed said the bids received were much higher than what was budgeted.  The Board will revisit at a later time.


Park benches:  -- Mr. Brych said that the benches are in storage for now.  The Board is working to get approval from Reston Association.  A resident requested a bench be placed next to the sidewalk between 1667 and 1665.


Snakes:  -- Mr. Brych reported the area was inspected and there was no sign of snakes inside or outside the building.  There has been more than one inspection from different companies and the reports were the same from both companies.  Mr. Plazyk is having the holes in the cement in the front stairs checked to see what kind of holes they are.  The holes will be filled if it is appropriate based on the type of hole.


A resident asked what can be done about the abandoned unit.  Mr. Brych spoke to the laws and limitations regarding what can be done.  He said the Board is taking action to address the issue.  The Board cannot discuss the specific actions being taken.


IV.       President’s Report: 


Mr. Brych said the Board has a good understanding of residents’ concerns and complaints and tries to address them as quickly as possible.  The Board is working hard to keep the community in good condition and to be good financial stewards.  The Board appreciates the comments from residents.


V.        Treasurer’s Report:


Mr. Wood said the Board will be working on the new budget for 2015.  Ms. Plazyk corrected two line items in the budget that Mr. Weed inquired about at the last meeting.




VI.       Secretary’s Report:


MOTION:  Mr. Brych moved, Mr. Wood seconded, to approve the September 11, 2014 Board minutes as presented.  The motion passed unanimously (4-0-0)


VII.     Old Business:


Resurfacing of parking areas: – Discussed under Owner’s Forum.


Playground: -- Discussed under Owner’s Forum.


Park benches:  -- Discussed under Owner’s Forum.


Snakes: Discussed under Owner’s Forum.


Security Light Fixture at 1669:  Ms. Plazyk said Dixie Electric is coming out this week to work on this.


Garbage Collection:  Ms. Plazyk said there have been no more issues.


Website:  Ms. Galizio gave an overview of the draft website.  A resident has volunteered to maintain the website.  Mr. Brych suggested the new volunteer talk with Ms. Galizio. And Ms. Plazyk about next steps.


Mr. Brych left the meeting at 8:01 p.m.



VIII.   Executive Session:


The Board agreed BY CONSENSUS to move into an executive session at 8:13 p.m.


The Board agreed BY CONSENSUS to adjourn the executive session and reconvene the general session at 8:31 p.m.


IX.       Decisions Made After Executive Session:


MOTION:  Mr. Wood moved, Ms. Galizio seconded, to renew the Blade Runners landscaping contract for a five-year term. The motion passed unanimously (3-0-0).


MOTION:  Mr. Wood moved, Ms. Galizio seconded, to renew the Blade Runners snow removal contract for a one-year term.  The motion passed unanimously (3-0-0).


MOTION:  Mr. Wood moved, Ms. Galizio seconded, to renew the M&WR janitorial contract for a one-year term.  The motion passed unanimously (3-0-0).


MOTION:  Mr. Wood moved, Ms. Galizio seconded, to renew the Dixie Electric general maintenance contract for a one-year term.  The motion passed unanimously (3-0-0).


XII.     Adjournment:


The Board meeting was adjourned at 8:38 p.m.


The above represents a transcript of the official BPCA minutes of October 14, 2014, as approved on 12/9/14.