12052 North Shore Drive

Reston, VA 20190


March 10, 2015


Board Members Present:     David Brych               President

Kathy Ray                   Vice President                        

                                                Peter Weed                 Treasurer

                                                Lyndsie Galizio           Secretary 


Board Members Absent:      None


Others Present:                     Tracy Plazyk               Horizon Community Services

                                                Karen Case                  Recording Secretary


I.          Call to Order:  Mr. Brych called the meeting to order at 7:01  p.m.


II.        Approval of Agenda:


MOTION:  Mr. Ray moved, Ms. Galizio seconded, to approve the agenda as presented.  The motion passed unanimously (3-0-0)



III.       Owners Forum:


A resident suggested reducing the size of the parking spaces to make room for a walkway to the carports the next time striping is done.  The Board and Management will look into this suggestion. 


A resident in 1623 discussed a problem with a neighbor’s cigarette smoke entering her unit and the hallways.  She discussed the severity of the problem, how the smoke is affecting her family’s health and asked what can be done.  There was a discussion about possible courses of action. Management will contact Dixie Electric about a possible solution.  Management will have an update at the next meeting.


MOTION:  Mr. Ray moved, Mr. Weed seconded, to authorize legal counsel to send a letter to the homeowner.  The motion passed unanimously (4-0-0)


A resident reported the water heater exhaust vent under her window is loud.  Management will have a contractor take a look at it.


A resident reported the heating and cooling exchange vent outside her window is making a strange noise.  Management will have the contractor take a looked at it.


A resident asked why the benches are being installed in a certain location.  The Board discussed the approval process through Reston Association and how placement location was determined.




IV.       President’s Report: 


Mr. Brych reported on the snow removal service during the recent snow events.  He discussed the cancellation of the last Board meeting due to illness.  The Board will organize and schedule the annual meeting soon. The Board is seeking candidates for election to the Board.  All the information will be included in the annual meeting letter to residents.


V.        Treasurer’s Report:


Mr. Weed corrected the balance of the Morgan Stanley account in the financial documents.  Management will correct the numbers.  A CD is maturing in one week.  Mr. Weed has obtained reinvestment recommendations from Morgan Stanley. .He will email his recommendations to the Board for review.  It appears the reserve contribution in the financials has been corrected.  There was a question about a payment to a resident.   Management reported this was a refund to a resident who overpaid their dues.  Mr. Brych noted the operating budget is in good shape even with the snow removal expense.


VI.       Secretary’s Report:


MOTION:  Mr. Weed moved, Mr. Brych seconded, to approve the January 13, 2015 Board meeting minutes as presented.  The motion passed unanimously (4-0-0)


VII.     Old Business:         


Playground:  Ms. Ray provided pictures of her recommendation for playground equipment.  The Board and Management will start the process to obtain RA approval.


Shopping Center Update:   Ms. Ray received an email from Reston Association indicating the new owners of the Tall Oaks Shopping Ceter want to have a meeting with all the Board Presidents of the Associations surrounding the property.  There is no date yet.  Mr. Brych does not have any further details. 


Website: Mr. Weed recommended the Association register a domain name. Management will follow up on this. There was a discussion about which documents should be uploaded.  Ms. Galizio will resend the email to the Board to review and confirm which documents will be uploaded.  Ms. Galizio reported the dues can be paid through the website now.




VIII.  New Business:


Exterior Maintenance:  Mr. Weed indicated the flat roofs need to be inspected in order to stay within the guarantee.  Ms. Plazyk scheduled inspection of the roofs, exterior masonry and vents in the spring.  She will send the contract for the flat roof maintenance to the Board.


Landscaping:   Ms. Ray indicated the Board approved landscaping proposals from Blade Runners in 2014 and deferred some of the work until 2015 for budgetary reasons.  The deferred work which included tree replacements has been budgeted for 2015 and will be completed this year.


Smoking:   Discussed during the Homeowner Forum.


Upcoming Contract Actions:   There are none on the horizon. 




IX.  Management Report:


Electrical Panel Replacement:   Ms. Plazyk is coordinating with Dixie Electric to schedule the replacement, possibly in May.  The following replacement will probably be scheduled foer the fall.  Affected residents will be given advance notice.


Scheduling the Annual Meeting:   The Board members will check their schedules and follow up with Ms. Plazyk and Mr. Brych with their availability for the annual meeting.


Playground:   Reston Association requires an application be submitted even though there was an existing playground in that location.  The Board and Management will move forward with the application process.


Benches:   Ms. Plazyk will find out if Woodwinds wants to buy the extra benches.


Annual Inspection:   Ms. Plazyk is preparing to do the full inspection of the property this spring.  She will coordinate with Ms. Ray to schedule it.


Spring Clean Up:   The dumpsters for the spring clean up should be on site after the annual inspection is completed so residents can use them to correct any violations.


Rug Cleaning:   Mr. Brych asked Management to get the Association on the cleaner’s schedule.



Skylight Leak:   Ms. Plazyk reported it has been repaired.




VIII.   Executive Session:


The Board agreed BY CONSENSUS to move into an executive session at 8:29 p.m. to discuss delinquencies.


The recording secretary was excused


The Board agreed BY CONSENSUS to adjourn the executive session and reconvene the general session at 8:39  p.m.



IX.     Adjournment:


The Board meeting was adjourned at 8:39 p.m.


The above represents a transcript of the official BPCA minutes of March 10, 2015, as approved on 6/9/2015.