12052 North Shore Drive
Reston, VA 20190
June 9, 2015
Board Members Present: David Brych President
Kathy Ray Vice President
Peter Weed Treasurer
Ali Ghassemian
Board Members Absent: Kristine Larsen
Others Present: Tracy Plazyk Horizon Community Services
Karen Case Recording Secretary
I. Call to Order: Mr. Brych called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
II. Approval of Agenda:
Mr. Brych welcomed two new Board members, Ali Ghassemian and Kristine Larsen
MOTION: Mr. Ray moved, Mr. Weed seconded, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously (4-0-0)
III. Homeowner Forum:
A resident thanked Ms. Ray for the new hedge outside his building, which looks beautiful except for some brown spots. There are a number of hedges around the community with brown spots. Ms. Ray said that the Board gives the hedges a chance to thrive and if they die they can be replaced under the one-year warranty from the landscaper. The resident asked about the water spigots around the community that are sealed off. Ms. Ray discussed the liability issues which are the basis for sealing them off.
IV. President’s Report:
Mr. Brych gave kudos to everybody on the board for the appearance of the community. Some issues coming before the board this year include contract renewals and remediation in at least one unit. The last phase of the landscaping enhancements approved in 2014 has been completed.
V. Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Weed reported the Board has agreed to invest $20,000 from the Money Market Account into CDs. So far $100,000 of that has been invested in a CD to mature in 2012. The Morgan Stanley advisor is still looking for a CD with a competitive interest rate to invest the remaining $110,000. Mr. Weed wil follow up with Morgan Staley on this. Mr. Weed made corrections to some of the balances in the financial reports included in the Board packet.
VI. Secretary’s Report:
MOTION: Mr. Weed moved, Ms. Ray seconded, to approve the March 10, 2015 Board meeting minutes as presented. The motion passed (3-0-1) with Mr. Ghassemian abstaining.
VII. Old Business:
Playground: Reston Association requested further clarification on the dimensions and a second signature on the application. Mr. Brych signed the application which will be re-submitted with the requested information. The Board will need to have the landscaper put in mulch when the playground is installed.
Shopping Center Update: Mr. Weed reported the Reston Master Plan was approved by Fairfax County while acknowledging there was a lot of interest from the community regarding the Tall Oaks Shopping Center and indicating that the dialogue would continue.
Website: Mr. Brych reported the web site is very close to being up. Mr. Ghassemian has volunteered to be the webmaster. He will review the website as a resident with no privileges and then as a Board member with administrative privileges and provide feedback to the Board. He will confirm the phone directory is not public. After Board approval Management will announce the website via notices on the bulletin boards. Once the website is up and announced the Board can continue to upload documents as needed.
VIII. New Business:
Flat Roof Inspection The roof inspection has to be done periodically to maintain the warranty Management will chack on the warranty period and get the inspection done.
Electrical Panel: The Management will confirm which building had the panel replaced in in March. Ms. Plazyk will provide the schedule of panels replaced and to be replaced.
Annual Inspection: Ms. Plazyk has done a partial inspection and as mailed several notices. Management was informed about a violation at building 1646 unit 100 for a pile of wood in the back. Ms. Plazyk will complete the walk through and send remaining violation notices. Management will schedule the dumpster to be on site for two weeks.
Verizon Exposed Wires Ms. Plazyk has a new contact at Verizon. Another service ticket has been created, Management has been dealing with Verizon on this for over a year with no resolution. The Board directed management to contact the attorney and find out what can be done.
Board Meeting Schedule/Notices: Mr. Brych asked Management to put up notices for the upcoming Board meetings along with notices about the community clean-up. He propped the Board skip the August meeting as has been done in previous years. The Board agreed the August meeting will be posted as tentative. Mr. Brych suggested the September Board meeting be changed from the 8th to the 15th so it won’t conflict with the Labor Day holiday.
Document Storage: Horizon is storing about 29 boxes of old documents for the Association. The Board needs to go through the boxes and decide what needs to be scanned or destroyed. Mr. Brych volunteered to look through two of the boxes and provide some preliminary feedback on what’s in the boxes and project timeframe.
IX. Executive Session:
The Board agreed BY CONSENSUS to move into an executive session at 7:47 p.m. to discuss delinquencies.
The recording secretary was excused.
The Board agreed BY CONSENSUS to adjourn the executive session and reconvene the general session at 7:57 p.m.
IX. Adjournment:
The Board meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
The above represents a transcript of the official BPCA minutes of June 9 2015, as approved on July 15, 2015.