12052 North Shore Drive

Reston VA 20190


June 10, 2014


Board Members Present:             David Brych                        President

                                                                Lyndsie Galizio                  Secretary


Board Members Absent:              Kathy Ray                            Vice President

                                                                Peter Weed                       Treasurer


Others Present:                                Tracy Plazyk                        Horizon Community Services

                                                                Karen Case                         Recording Secretary

                                                                David Beckner                   Dixie Electric

                                                                Rick Stumpf                        Dixie Electric


I.                    Call to Order:  Mr. Brych called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

II.                  Approval of Agenda:  There were no changes to the agenda

III.                Owners Forum


A homeowner asked about getting more information onto the homeowner website forum. He asked if the Board would consider electric charging stations for vehicles. The homeowner also asked about the playground that was removed.  Mr. Brych reported the Board is in the process of setting up a community website and it is expected to be ready in July.  He also spoke to some problems with regard to installing electrical charging stations, such as the deed prohibiting them on common property and problems with providing a power feed.  Mr. Brych asked Management to research this a little more to see if there is an option that would work in the community.  Mr. Brych discussed the reasons the playground was removed.  He said the Board was working on selecting new equipment to install a new playground in the same location.


A homeowner said she has a chronic smoker in her building and she discussed the problem with smoke permeating the building.  Ms. Plazyk discussed some courses of action.  Mr. Brych asked Management to research this a little further and get back to the homeowner.  Mr. Stumpf discussed an exhaust fan that worked in a similar situation he encountered in another community.


A homeowner asked if there will be any paving done.  Mr. Brych said paving will be done and it will be discussed later in the meeting.


IV.                President’s Report

Mr. Brych said the Board has been very busy this spring and early summer This was partly due to transitioning to a new property manager. In general, the Association is in very good shape.

V.                  Secretary’s Report

Approval of the May 8, 2014 meeting minutes was tabled until the next Board meeting.  A homeowner asked if the minutes can be published on the homeowner website forum.  Mr. Brych said it would be better to wait until July to publish the minutes on the Association website when it’s operational.  In the meantime, Ms. Plazyk can provide the homeowner with  copy of the previous minutes.

VI.                Old Business

Dixie Electric Proposals: Mr. Stumpf gave a summary on where they stand on replacing the electrical panels in the nine buildings. He provided a quote for replacement panels in 1641 and 1623.  Mr. Stumpf sid Dixie does a walk-through every month.  Out of 37 trash rooms, they have thirteen exhaust fans left to replace.  Mr. Stumpf also discussed the carport wiring.  He said it would be ideal to replace the seal conduits before paving.  Mr. Brych asked Mr. Stumpf to provide locations of the road crossings on a plat.  Mr. Stumpf  will give the information to Ms. Plazyk.


Mr. Stumpf and Mr. Beckner left the meeting at 7:32 p.m.


VII.           Treasurer’s Report:

Mr. Brych discussed the Association’s finances.  He discussed the operational budget and the reserve fund.  He discussed the Association’s insured investment s as well as the purpose of the reserve study.  Currently, only the utilities are over budget by about $1,300.  Overall, the association is about $35,000 under budget for planned expenses.  The community is well-funded and on-budget.  There are no CDs maturing at this time.


VIII         Old Business (continued):

Website – Association Voice:  Ms. Plazyk said Association Voice is working on uploading the Association’s documents.  The Board will have sole access first to review content.  The website should be ready for the community in July. 

Sealing/Painting:  Ms. Plazyk is working on getting more proposals.  Mr. Brych asked Ms. Plazyk to give the contractors a deadline of fourteen days to submit their proposals.  Mr. Brych discussed what is involved in the paving work.

Park Benches – Location:  Ms. Plazyk said a final bid is pending.  Mr. Brych asked Ms. Plazyk to give the contractor a deadline of fourteen days to submit the bid.

Playground:  The contractor’s final bid is pending.  Ms. Plazyk said the Board needs to determine if they want a separate slide and swing or one that is connected.

Doody Calls:  Ms. Plazyk said the contractor is currently out of town, but the work will be taken care of.

VIII.            New Business:

Irrigation – Blade Runners:   Ms. Plazyk provided a proposal from Blade Runners

MOTION:  Mr. Brych moved, Ms. Galizio seconded, to accept the proposal from Blade Runners for irrigation.  The motion passed (3-0-0).  (Ms. Ray voted via e-mail)

Mr. Brych asked if recycling is being picked up twice per week.  He said the second pick up should be on Fridays.  Ms. Plazyk will double check on this.

Miscellaneous Items:  Mr. Brych read some notes from Ms. Ray.  He asked for an update on Verizon.  Ms. Plazyk said she is still trying to reach a live person at Verizon.  Mr. Brych asked it there will be a second walk through at the end of the month for violations.  Ms. Plazyk said it is already scheduled.  Ms. Ray and Ms. Galizio need to walk the property and confirm the locations of the benches to be installed.  Ms. Plazyk said the Voard can also purchase the benches through the playground contractor and have Cutting Edge install them.  Bids are pending for benches.

IX.  Action Item Review:  Mr. Brych asked if Ms. Plazyk has found any information on the roof inspections.  Ms. Plazyk said she should receive some information on this soon and she will forward it to the Board as soon as she receives it.  Mr. Brych asked Management to obtain two additional bids – ojne for the carport roofs and one for all the shingled areas on the buildings.

XI. Adjournment:

The Board agreed BY CONSENSUS to adjourn the regular session and move into an Executive Session at 7:56 p.m.


These minutes have been transcribed from the official minutes by Peter Combes, who is alone responsible for the typos.



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