12052 North Shore Drive
Reston, VA 20190
July 12, 2016
Board Members Present: David Brych President
Peter Weed Treasurer
Ali Ghassemian Director
Kristine Larson Director
Board Members Absent: None
Others Present: Tracy Plazyk Sentry Management
Karen Case Recording Secretary
I. Call to Order: Mr. Brych called the meeting to order at 6:59 p.m.
II. Approval of Agenda:
MOTION: Mr. Weed moved, Ms. Larson seconded, to approve the agenda as amended. The motion passed unanimously (4-0-0)
III. Homeowner Forum:
Mr. Brych noted residents continue to place tarsh in the recycling area, Ms. Larson suggested additional signage.
IV. Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Weed noted balances in the report are accurate. He recommended deferring reinvestment of Cds until the Board receives and reviews the roofing report. Mr. Brych suggested deferring for about six months. Mr. Weed noted it was difficult to capture the actual cost of the electrical repair in the financial report. Costs were captured under general maintenance, electrical, and landscape for the landscape remediation. Total cost was about $205,000
V. Secretary’s Report:
MOTION: Mr. Weed moved, Mr Brych seconded, to approve the May 10 2016 Board meeting minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously (4-0-0)
VI. Management Report:
Resale Requests – Documents now come from CondoCerts instead of HomeWise.
Annual Inspection Violation letters are going out. Fronts look pretty good other than some general maintenance issues. Carport asphalt near 1673 and 1675 needs to be patched.
Roof Inspection. Scheduled for July 22nd. Contract has a two or three week turnaround for the report.
Assignment of Management Contract: Corrections were made at the Board’s request. Mr. Brych signed the corrected document. Discussion about the Management transition and payment of monthly dues. Coupon books will be mailed from Sentry as soon as the bank setup is complete.
VII. Action Item Review:
Power-Washing Pending
Smoke Detectors: Replacement must be done by someone who is licensed; but this could be a licensed handyman/general contractor. Sentry Mantenance is an option. Another option is Tri-State, but Sentry requires a waiver because the vendor does not have workmen’s compensation insurance. Board requested a copy of the waiver and proposals for review.
Insurance Claims: Still under legal review. No reimbursements have been made yet.
Verizon Wireless: Installer drilled through the brick wall. Management contacted the County and they did a full community inspection. County inspector reported issues to Verizon which are supposed to be repaired in 24-48 hours. Each issue has to be separately reported to Verizon.
Carport Letter: Tabled
VIII. Other Items:
Water Heater Replacement Schedule and Vendor Identification: Board requested Management to get proposals to replace water heaters on a projected schedule based on reserve study. Oldest water heaters to be replaced first.
Feeder Panel Replacement Schedule: Two more panels to be replaced. Next replacement in the fall. Mr. Weed suggested getting additional proposals for installation. Management should check contract first as there may be a fixed price based on Dixie performing the install.
Extra Benches: Three more benches to be installed. Ms Larson will send location photos to Management for the RA application.
Old Records in Storage: Storage fee is $87 per month. Board needs to review the old records and identify what can be destroyed or continue to pay the storage fee.
Update on Coupons/New Bank Information: Discussed earlier in the meeting.
IX. New Business:
Short Term Rental Issues/AirBnB: Board discussed issues relating to users using units as short-term rentals. There is nothing in the bylaws that precludes it. Board requested Management to ask legal counsel about the status in Fairfax County relative to the regulation of AirBnB.
Mr. Brych noted that an owner complained about the cleaning company not working. Ms. Larson noted the utility room door is always open and suggested adding signage to clarify “utility and trash room”.
Pavement Patching: The paving work done two years ago has held up pretty well. Management has identified some areas of asphalt and curbs that are deteriorating.
Blade Runners – Landscape Maintenance & Enhancements: Mr. Brych recommended the Board defer this to further review and prioritize the work. Proposal includes landscape enhancements, repairs of ground cover, and tree work.
X. President’s Report:
Aging Report: Mr. Brych noted that of the $61K owed to the Association, five owners/former owners owe $46K. The association had legal claims outstanding against them. Mr. Brych suggested the Board get guidance from legal and CPA relative to writing off debts – what is our tax impact, what specific actions by the Board are necessary, and does this get reported to IRS as a forgiven debt (and now is it income for the debtor)?
Management Report Delivery: Mr. Brych noted concerns about the Board having less than 72 hours to review. He asked if the report can be produced and disseminated no later than seven days prior to a Board meeting. Ms. Plazyk will make the request to Sentry.
Board Position on Competitive Bidding: Mr. Brych indicated competitive bids are a foundation of prudent spending, however there are situations that demand immediate remediation and soliciting bids is not practical (i.e. safety and/or health concerns). He proposed two draft resolutions for the Board to review and amend going forward.
Final Remarks as President: Mr. Brych commented on his time as Board President since 2007. He noted the collaborative efforts of all Board members to get things done and make the community look good.
Mr. Brych left the meeting at 7:59 p.m.
Insurance Claim Recap: An owner asked for an update on the insurance claim. Board provided update on the claim and release which are still with legal counsel for review. The Board and legal counsel are trying to protect the Association from any future claims that the contractor was responsible for. Owners can contact their individual insurance carrier which will contact the contractor’s insurance company about this.
Board requested Management to draft a letter to affected owners with an upate and suggestion to contact their individual insurance company. Board will receive the draft letter.
An owner recommended having an email distribution list that owners could opt in to get updates and information about the community.
The annual meeting is scheduled for September 15, 2016.
XI. Executive Session:
The Board moved to executive session at 8:25 p.m.
The Board moved out of executve session and reconvened the general session at 8:38 p.m.
XII. Decisions Made After Executive Session:
MOTION: Ms. Larson moved, Mr. Ghassemian seconded, for Mr. Wood to be President and Treasurer; Mr. Ghassemian to be Vide-President; and Ms. Larson to be Secretary. The motion passed unanimously (3-0-0)
XIII. Adjournment:
The Board meeting was adjourned at 8:44 p.m.
The above represents a transcript of the official BPCA minutes of July 12, 2016, as approved on 8/9/2016.