12052 North Shore Drive
Reston, VA 20190
April 12, 2016
Board Members Present: David Brych President
Peter Weed Treasurer
Ali Ghassemian Director
Kristine Larson Director
Board Members Absent: None
Others Present: Tracy Plazyk Horizon Community Services
Karen Case Recording Secretary
I. Call to Order: Mr. Brych called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
II. Approval of Agenda:
MOTION: Mr. Weed moved, Mr Brych seconded, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously (4-0-0)
III. Homeowner Forum:
Peter Combes of 1666 inquired about updates on paving, coupon books, comments on the performance of the cleaning staff. And insurance claim/ Management will mail coupon books by April 15th. The other items are on the agenda for discussion.
IV. President’s Report:
Mr. Brych reported the Jefferson Apartment Group’s (JAG) public hearing before the Fairfax County Planning Commission regarding the redevelopment of Tall Oaks Center has been delayed to June 23. There has been some community pressure on JAG to modify their plan.
There have been a number of items going on in the community. The electrical work is complete, parking lot has been paved, and sidewalk finished. There is some movement toward getting payments from the contractor’s insurance claims to reimburse residents who were displaced during the emergency electrical work.
Discussion on the claim submitted to the Association’s insurance policy for the electrical cable failure which was denied due to the age of the cable and installation choice. The Board is still looking into information on the acceptable life span of the cable.
A resident had an issue with trash room keys. All trash keys are alike. The resident’s key was replaced in about two weeks.
Mr. Brych has read some complaints about the janitorial services. Mr. Brych and Ms. Larson noted they wee the janitorial staff working in their buildings frequently.
Recently there was a water heater failure on a Friday afternoon which has since been repaired.
Mr. Brych has reviewed the reserve study. There was only one item called for in 2015 that is not completed yet – that was the exterior masonry inspection. The Association has enough funds to cover all the costs of the electrical repairs and the scheduled reserve items. There is no need to defer planned reserve study called-for work, however it would probably be prudent to defer some optional services such as the tree/shrub replacements. Mr. Weed noted any deficit in the reserve study at the end of the year will have to be made up.
V. Treasurer’s Report:
Discussion about balances in the operating and money market accounts. Management was asked how much is needed in the operating account to handle the bills. That number will inform the decision on reinvesting the CD that has recently matured. Mr. Weed will make a recommendation to the Board for review and decision at a later time.
After a review of the emergency electrical repair bills, Mr. Weed indicated the Association needs to look to the future and manage the financial risk of a future feeder failure. Some elements to consider are – What’s the likelihood of another failure? What’s the economical way to repair or replace if/when this happens? Mr. Weed recommended getting some professional advice from a consulting engineer. Management spoke with the insurance company and was informed there were no underground electrical claims settled with the previous insurance provider. There should to be a discussion about insurance and self-insurance for this issue.
Mr. Weed noted big projects should be bid out for competitive bids. Discussion about having a replacement schedule for the water heaters. The first step is to determine the schedule, the discussion and bid out the work about a month in advance. Mr. Ghassemian asked if the Board has ever looked into a maintenance contract. A homeowner suggested a warranty/maintenance contract to increase predictability and help with budgeting. Management can look into this.
VI. Secretary’s Report:
MOTION: Mr. Weed moved, Ms. Larson seconded, to approve the March 8, 2016 Board meeting minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously (4-0-0)
VII. Management Report:
Spring Cleaning: The roll-off for spring cleaning is scheduled to be onsite for two weeks beginning on the 26th. The notice to residents will go out shortly. Ms. Plazyk recommended including reminders about trash and other information helpful to new residents.
Janitorial & Maintenance: – There has been a lot of contact with KMG about the recycling.
Parking and Towing: At Ms. Plazyk’s request, Henry’s Towing came through the community to ticket any violations.
Curbs: – Ms. Plazyk noticed a couple curbs that might need repair and repainting. This item was tabled.
Insurance: – Ms. Plazyk met with the insurance company onsite today. They are looking for ways the Association can save money on insurance. Results/recommendations are pending.
Annual Inspection: – Should be scheduled after the roll-off has been onsite, allowing residents to cleanup.
VIII. Action Item Review:
Roof Inspection: Management provided proposal in the Board packet for discussion under New Business.
IX. Unfinished Business:
There was no other unfinished business to discuss.
X. New Business:
Dixie Electric – Smoke Detectors : The Board inquired who approved Dixie Electric to replace all the emergency exit lights. There was no repair to the drywall around the signs. Management will follow up on this. Ms. Plazyk is scheduling drywall repair with Tristate. Discussion of smoke detectors was deferred until there is an answer on the emergency exit lights.
ETC – Roof Inspection Proposal: The Board discussion the roof inspection proposal from ETC. The Board directed Ms. Plazyk to ask ETC: Is it the standard industry practice to do sampling? Is a 50% sample industry standard? Can carports be removed from the contract in exchange for more membrane inspections?
Attorney Engagement Letter – SB1390
MOTION: Mr. Brych moved, Mr. Weed seconded, to approve engagement letter from McCandlish Liddard dated March 31, 2016, with a $1,500 retainer. The motion passed unanimously (4-0-0)
XI. Executive Session:
The Board moved to Executive session at 8:06 p.m. to discuss delinquencies and legal matters.
The Board moved out of executive session and reconvened the general session at 8:12 p.m.
XII. Adjournment:
The Board meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
The above represents a transcript of the official BPCA minutes of April 12, 2016, as approved on 5/10/2016.