The Bible in Context Classes
For Gateway February 2010
February 7, 2010 An Unshakeable Rock Ignatius to Polycarp
February 14, 2010 Stand Firm Polycarp to Philippi
February 21, 2010 You Call These Things Gods? Anon to Diognetus
All classes are in Room 350-B at 9:30 a.m., and all are welcome.
After his visit to Smyrna, Ignatius writes a personal note to its bishop, Polycarp. However, the letter suddenly changes into a message to the whole church, of which the first item of business is "Obey Your Bishop!"
Polycarp, who, like Ignatius, was an early Christian martyr, writes to Philippi, quoting extensively from what is now the New Testament. Some critics have even taken the position that the Pastoral Epistles were written by Polycarp and not by Paul.
The letter to Diognetus is a double mystery. It is not known who wrote it, and the recipient, Diognetus, is also unknown. The letter appears to be a very early explanation of Christianity to a pagan.
Trivia Questions February 2010
1. Ignatius tells the Smyrneans to appoint one of their number as -- :
a. deacon
b. presbyter
c. accountant
d. courier
2 . Polycarp says that "to deny that Jesus is come in the flesh is to be --" :
a. agnostic
b. Docetist
c. Aryan
d. Antichrist
3. The letter to Diognetus says that Christians behave as if they were -- :
a. soldiers
b. aliens
c. sheep
d. angels
Answers to previous questions and fuller quizzes can be found at
A blog based on previous bible studies is at: http: //
Texts of the letters are at