Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church

Lay Academy – The Bible in Context



October 10, 2010  11 a.m. – Room 350B

To Diognetus

"You Call These Things Gods?”

Answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above".

(References are to the Penguin translation)


1.      Diognetus was puzzled by the fact that--:

          a.      Christians did not worship the Emperor

          b.      Christians did not keep Jewish festivals

          c.       Christians had only arrived recently

          d.      Christians had no central temple


2.      The writer assumes that Diognetus --:  

a.      sacrifices to the Sun

b.      is monotheistic

          c.       worships idols

          d.      is libertine


3.      Greeks stand convicted of --:       

a.      lust

          b.      jealousy

          c.       absurdity

          d.      anger


4.      The Jews minutely study --:

a.      scripture

          b.      moons

          c.       omens

          d.      natural law





5.      The difference between Christians and the rest of mankind is a matter of --: 

a.      nationality

          b.      language

          c.       customs

          d.      transcending laws


6.      Christians are in--:

          a.      all synagogues

          b.      all Greek-speaking towns

          c.       all cities

          d.      all the world


7.      God has sent down his own --:

          a.      spirit

b.      truth

c.       word

d.      intelligence



8.      The writer scorns those who believe that God is --:

          a.      fire

          b.      intelligence

          c.       love

          d.      water


9.      We should have no anxiety about --:

          a.      clothing

          b.      money

          c.       food

          d.      persecution


10.    The writer was a pupil of --:

          a.      Paul

          b.      James

          c.       Ignatius

          d.      the apostles