Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

The Scripture Fulfilled

Luke 4: 1-42

Peter Combes – September 27, 1998



(The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above")

1.      The devil tempted Jesus to:
  1. turn stones into bread
  2. have authority over all the kingdoms of the world
  3. thow himself from a pinnacle of the temple
  4. lead a rebellion

2.      The people of Nazareth asked if Jesus were:

  1. the son of Joseph
  2. an Essene
  3. a prince of Israel
  4. Elijah
3.     In the synagogue at Nazareth, Jesus read from Isaiah.  The passage "... to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor" continues:
  1. and to comfort all that mourn
  2. and the day of vengeance of the Lord
  3. and grant a garland to those that mourn in Zion
  4. and make an everlasting covenant with them
4.     The people of Nazareth:
  1. wanted Jesus to stay
  2. tried to throw him off a cliff
  3. asked him to heal the sick
  4. asked him to expound scripture
5.     Jesus said that the only leper cured by Elisha was:
  1. Naaman of Syria
  2. the Widow of Zarapeth
  3. Jezebel
  4. the Witch of Endor
6.     After leaving Nazareth, Jesus went to:
  1. the Decapolis
  2. Caesarea
  3. Bethany
  4. Capernaum
7.       From this account, we learn that Simon Peter was:
  1. an Essene
  2. a Zealot
  3. a Pharisee
  4. married
8.     Jesus was called "the Son of God" by:
  1. priests
  2. scholars
  3. demoniacs
  4. Roman soldiers
9.     Jesus cured people in Capernaum by:
  1. use of the Unspeakable Name of God
  2. use of a special ointment
  3. laying his hands on them
  4. inviting them to repent
10.     Jesus said he was sent in order to:
  1. redeem sinners
  2. exorcise demons
  3. preach the good news
  4. do miracles