Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

The Lost and the Found

Luke 15 & 16

Peter Combes – December 6, 1998



(The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above")

1.      Jesus said there was joy among the angels of God over:
  1. the ineffable Grace of God
  2. the Incarnation
  3. the variety of Creation
  4. a repentant sinner

2.      The Prodigal Son decided to be:

  1. a farmer
  2. a mercenary soldier
  3. a hired servant
  4. a hermit
3.    After the return of the Prodigal Son, the father said his property now belonged to:
  1. the returning son
  2. the elder son
  3. the company of pig herders
  4. his remaining children
4.     The steward who falsified the estate's accounts was::
  1. praised by his master
  2. condemned by his master
  3. handed over to the magistrate
  4. publicly disgraced
5.     Jesus said we should use our wealth to:
  1. help the poor
  2. contribute to the church
  3. give employment
  4. make friends
6.     Luke says the Pharisees:
  1. loved money
  2. disdained money
  3. were indifferent to money
  4. gave to the poor
7.       Jesus said about the kingdom of God:
  1. everybody is invited
  2. only the chosen few are invited
  3. many are invited, but some refuse
  4. everybody forces his way in
8.    Jesus said that the Law would lose its force:
  1. at the coming of the Son of Man
  2. after the resurrection
  3. at the end of the world
  4. immediately
9.    Jesus said that a man who divorces his wife and marries another:
  1. must pay double tithes
  2. must be responsible for the children of the first marriage
  3. must not divorce his second wife
  4. is committing adultery
10.     When Lazarus suggested someone from the dead visit Hades, Abraham:
  1. agreed to send Lazarus
  2. agreed they should wait for the Harrowing of Hell
  3. said he would go himself
  4. refused