John 8:1-30
(rewritten June 2012)
The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"
1. Jesus spent the night:
a. in the temple
b on the Mount of Olives
c. at the house of Martha and Mary
d. at the house of Simon the Pharisee
2. The woman brought to Jesus was accused of:
a. blasphemy
b theft
c. adultery
d. trespass in a male-only area of the temple
3. Jesus:
a. read aloud a section from Leviticus
b quoted from the Sermon on the Mount
c. asked for a binding ruling from the Sanhedrin
d. wrote in the dust
4. Jesus said that the execution should be initiated by:
a. the temple guards
b Roman troops
c. those onlookers who were sinless
d. Levites
5. The Pharisees denied Jesus’ teaching because:
a. it was self-validating
b he consorted with sinners
c. he had no formal qualifications
d. he was born outside Jerusalem
6. Jesus was suspected of planning suicide when he said:
a. he would go where he could not be followed
b. that night he would be in Paradise
c. he was master of his own fate
d. he would stay no longer on earth
7. Jesus’ teaching took place:
a. in the Court of the Gentiles
b in the Treasury
c. in the great colonnades
d. at the Pool of Siloam
8. Jesus said his teaching was witnessed by:
a. Abraham
b John the Baptist
c. the Father
d. the Chief Priest
9. The reason that Jesus was not arrested was:
a. some centurions were his friends
b he was defended by Nicodemus
c. he had healed the son of the chief of the garrison
d. his time had not come
10. Jesus identified himself with:
a. the Son of Man
b the Ancient of Days
c. the Messiah
d. the Son of David