Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy


No Prophet is to Rise from Galilee

        John 7: 25-52

Peter Combes – December 19, 2004


The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"


1. The people of Jerusalem knew that the authorities:

a.  had an agreement with the Romans

b   planned an rebellion against the Romans

c.  planned to kill Jesus

d.  overcharged for sacrifices

2. The temple police failed to arrest Jesus because:

a.  they believed in him

b   he was surrounded byarmed followers

c.  he had friends among the officers

d.  his hour had not come

3.  The Jews asked if Jesus would go to:

a.  Rome

b   Samaria

c.  the Decapolis

d.  the Diaspora

4.  In the temple,Jesus used the metaphor he had used with:

a.  the Five Thousand

b   the Samaritans

c.  the court official

d.  the disciples

5. "Living Water" refers to:

a.  the Word of God

b   the Holy Spirit

c.  Grace

d.  the Mission to the Gentiles


6. Some said that Jesus:

a.  would start a new world religion

b.  was a prophet

c.  was the Son of God

d.  was the Son of Man

7.  Some said he could not be the Messiah because:

a. he was not born in Bethlehem

b  he came from Galilee

c. he broke the Law

d. he was not recognized by the Sanhedrin


8.  The Pharisees said that the crowd:

a. represented the true voice of Israel

b  did not know the Law

c. were cursed

d. were from out of town


9.  Jesus was defended by:

a.  Peter

b   Caiaphas

c.  Nicodemus

d.  Gamaliel


10.  (see Micah 5:2) The Bethlehem prophecy foretells a:

a.  prophet

b   ruler of Israel

c.  Ancient of Days

d.  shepherd
