Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy


Walking on the Water

        John 6: 1-24

Peter Combes – November 28, 2004

The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"


1. This passage takes place at the time of the feast of:

a.  Tabernacles

b   Purim

c.  Passover

d.  Yom Kippur

2. (Compare vv 3 and 15.)  The Feeding of the Multitude took place:

a.  in the hills

b   on the plain

c.  by the sea

d.  in the town

3. The disciple mentioned in this account is:

a.  Peter

b   John

c.  Philip

d.  Andrew

4. The gospel writer mentions:

a.  the grass

b   the trees

c.  the sheep

d.  the birds


5. (Advanced) The Greek word used by John for giving thanks gives us the word:

a.  gratification

b   benediction

c.  eucharist

d.  donation

6.  After the crowd has eaten, Jesus tells them to:

a.  repent

b   believe

c.  follow him

d.  gather up the left-overs

7.  The crowd wanted to make Jesus:

a. the Tetrarch

b  the Messiah

c. the King

d. the Chief Priest

8.  The disciples set out by boat for:

a.  Tiberias

b   Capernaum

c.  Machaerus

d.  Caesarea


9.  When the disciples saw Jesus near the boat they were:

a.  pleased

b   angry

c.  afraid

d.  puzzled


10.  Boats from Tiberias followed Jesus to:

a.  Cana

b   Capernaum

c.  Machaerus

d.  Caesarea
