Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy


Authentication of the Son

        John 5: 25-47

Peter Combes – November 25, 2004

The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"


1. In this passage, Jesus is addressing:

a.  the Pharisees

b   the Sadduccees

c.  the disciples

d.  the people

2. The dead will be awakened by:

a.  the Son of God

b   the Son of Man

c.  the Last Trump

d.  the Logos

3. Life-giving power is held by:

a.  the Father

b   the Son

c.  the Holy Ghost

d.  the Logos

4. The Son has the right to judge by virtue of his role as:

a.  Logos

b   Paraclete

c.  Messiah

d.  Son of Man


5. Who will rise?:

a.  the Jews

b   the Samaritans

c.  those who have done right

d.  those who have done wrong

6.  Jesus names as one who bears testimony to him:

a.  Nicodemus

b   Simon Peter

c.  John the Baptist

d.  Moses

7.  Jesus says that his hearers should heed the testimony of:

a. God

b  scripture

c. history

d. faith

8.  At the Father's tribunal, the prosecuting counsel would be:

a.  Elijah

b   Moses

c.  Jesus

d.  Gabriel

