Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy


Teaching the Teacher

        John 3

Peter Combes – October 17, 2004

The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"


1. Nicodemus was a:

a.  rabbi

b   Pharisee

c.  Saduccee

d.  Essene

2.  Jesus spoke of the necessity of:

a.  birth by water

b   birth by fire

c.  birth by the Spirit

d.  birth by the Holy Ghost

3.  Jesus said that the only one who had descended from heaven was:

a. himself

b  the Son of Man

c. Lucifer

d. Gabriel

4.  Jesus said that the Son of Man would:

a. appear in the clouds

b  ride into Jerusalem

c. die and be resurrected

d. be lifted up

5.  (advanced) The name of Moses' serpent was:

        a.     Lucifer

        b.     Kukulkhan

        c.     Nehushtan

        d.     Quetzalcoatl

6. He who does not believe.......:

a.  will hear the word later

b   is condemned

c.  will be saved by his deeds

d.  must hope for a miracle

7.  Jesus:

a.  baptized in Galilee

b   baptized in Judaea

c.  baptized in Jerusalem

d.  did no baptizing

8.  John the Baptist compared himself to a:

a.  bride

b   bridegroom

c.  best man

d.  master of ceremonies

9. John echoes Jesus' words about:

a.  baptism

b   those who received his testimony

c.  the forgiveness of sins

d.  the coming of the Son of Man

10. Those who do not obey the Son will:

a.  be forgiven

b   receive the wrath of God

c.  wander like sheep without a shepherd

d.  be tempted by the devil

