Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy


Shall I Not Drink the Cup?

        John 18

Peter Combes –April 17, 2005, 9:30 a.m.

The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"


1. The arresting party included:

a.  temple police

b   soldiers

c.  Pharisees

d.  priests

2. John does not mention:

a.  the Judas kiss

b   the man in the linen cloth

c.  the sleep of the disciples

d.  "twelve legions of angels"


3. Peter attacked:

a.  Caiaphas

b   Nicodemus

c.  Malchus

d.  Judas

4. (Advanced) John implies the presence of:

a.  Caiaphas

b   Claudius Lysias

c.  Pontius Pilate

d.  Saul of Tarsus


5. The disciple who went into the High Priest's courtyard was:

a.  Peter

b   John

c.  Judas

d.  Andrew


6. Jesus was struck for:

a.  blasphemy

b   discourtesy

c.  insubordination

d.  incitement to riot




7. Peter was challenged by:

a.  a relation of Malchus

b   a serving-maid

c.  a police officer

d.  a scribe

8.  The Jews brought Jesus to Pilate on a charge of:

        a.   treason

        b.   riot

        c.   blasphemy

        d.   insurrection



9.  Pilate addressed Jesus as:

        a.   rabbi

        b.   philospher

        c.   peasant

        d.   REX JUDAEORUM



10.  The Jews asked for the release of:

        a.   Malchus

        b.   Spartacus

        c.   Barabbas

        d.   Jesus



