Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy


You Are Not of the World

        John 15

Peter Combes – March 20, 2005

The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"


1. Jesus compares God to:

a.  a shepherd

b   a mother

c.  a gardener

d.  a dentist

2. Fruitful Christians may expect to be:

a.  rewarded

b   ignored

c.  cut

d.  cleansed


3. The disciples were"cleansed" by:

a.  fire

b   the water of baptism

c.  grace

d.  the Word

4. Jesus spoke to the disciples to increase their:

a.  faith

b   hope

c.  love

d.  joy


5. Jesus' commandment was:

a.  love God

b   love your neighbor

c.  love one another

d.  love your enemies


6. Jesus called the disciples:

a.  friends

b   servants

c.  slaves

d.  judges




7. Jesus promised the disciples:

a.  eternal life

b   a place in heaven

c.  love

d.  persecution


8.  "They hated me without a cause" is a quotation from:

        a.   Psalm 35

        b.   Psalm 69

        c.   Proverbs 30

        d.   Isaiah 33



9.  Jesus said he would send:

        a.   an Advocate

        b.   the Holy Spirit

        c.   the Spirit of Love

        d.   the Spirit of Truth



10.  "You have been with me --":

        a.   in good times and bad

        b.   for only a short time

        c.   from the beginning

        d.   up to the end



