John 14
The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"
1. Jesus said he was going:
a. to a mountain
b to the temple
c. to heaven
d. to Nicodemus
2. The disciple who said he did not know the way was:
a. Peter
b Andrew
c. Judas
d. Thomas
3. Jesus said one disciple did not know him:
a. Peter
b Judas
c. Thomas
d. Philip
4. Jesus said that one who believed him would do:
a. works like his
b greater works than his
c. works according to his ability
d. the will of the Father
5. Jesus said he would send:
a. a lawyer
b a helper
c. the Spirit of Truth
d. the Spirit of Love
6. Jesus said he would not leave the disciples as:
a. orphans
b sacrifices
c. childen
d. losers
7. The disciple would asked Jesus about revelation was:
a. Peter
b Thomas
c. the "disciple whom Jesus loved"
d. Jude
8. Jesus said that those who loved him would:
a. die for their faith
b. love one another
c. keep his word
d. obey his commandments
9. Jesus said he would leave the disciples:
a. love
b. faith
c. hope
d. trouble
10. Jesus said that the ruler of the world:
a. would tempt him one more time
b. would be overthrown
c. had no power over him
d. would have him executed