Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy


Now is the Judgement

        John 12: 27-50

Peter Combes – February 27, 2005

The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"


1. While Jesus was speaking, a voice from heaven said:

a.  "This is my beloved Son, hear him"

b   "Now is the judgement come"

c.  "I have glorified it, and will glorofy it again"

d.  "This is the light of the world"

2. When the voice spoke, some thought it was:

a.  an angel

b   thunder

c.  an earthquake

d.  a demon


3. Jesus implies that the ruler of the world i:

a.  the Logos

b   the Holy Spirit

c.  God

d.  Satan

4. Jesus said he would draw all men unto himself when:

a.  he was resurrected

b   he sat at the right hand of God

c.  he returned with the angels

d.  he was lifted up


5. (Read Isaiah 53) The first quotation is from Isaiah's prophecies of:

a.  the Suffering Servant

b   the Day of the Lord

c.  the Wicked Shepherd

d.  the Remnant of Israel


6. (Read Isaiah 6) The people would not hear until:

a.  the Day of the Lord

b   the prophet returned

c.  cities were destroyed

d.  the rulers repented




7. John says that many of the authorities believed in Jesus, but did not confess it because:

a.  they feared being charged with blasphemy

b   they feared the Pharisees

c.  they would be expelled from the synagogue

d.  they feared the Romans


8.  Jesus spoke verses 44-50:

        a.   in the temple

        b.   in the synagogue

        c.   on the mountain

        d.   in hiding



9.  Jesus said he had come:

        a.   to judge the world and save the world

        b.   not to judge the world but to save the world

        c.   not to save the world but to judge the world

        d.   neither to judge the world nor to save the world



10.  Jesus said he spoke:

        a.   with the voice of God

        b.   as ordered by God

        c.   as the Word of God

        d.   inspired by the Holy Spirit



