John 11:1-27
The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"
1. Mary and Martha lived in:
a. Bethesda
b Bethsaida
c. Bethlehem
d. Beth-Horon
2. When Jesus heard that Lazarus was ill he said:
a. Lazarus would not die
b Lazarus would die and be raised again
c. Lazarus would die and go to heaven
d. Lazarus would soon recover
3. When Jesus heard that Lazarus was ill he:
a. went to a mountain top to pray
b hurried to Bethany
c. stayed where he was for two days
d. wept
4. When the disciples said it was dangerous to go to Judea, Jesus said:
a. angels would protect him
b danger had to be accepted
c. seeing Lazarus was more important
d. there were twelve hours in a day
5. When Jesus arrived at Bethany:
a. Lazarus was dying
b Lazarus had just died
c. Lazarus had been dead for four hours
d. Lazarus had been dead for four days
6. The only disciple mentioned by name in the Lazarus story is:
a. Peter
b James
c. Thomas Didymus
d. Andrew
7. (Read Romans 6:1-11) Paul said that we would be resurrected because we:
a. had faith in Christ
b had died with Christ
c. had been baptised
d. were in a state of grace
8. (Read Colossians 2:8-15 and 3:1) Paul says:
a. We shall be raised on the last day
b. We shall be raised at the Second Coming
c. We shall be raised at the Rapture
d. We have been raised already