Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy


The Logos

        John 1:1-19

Peter Combes – September 19, 2004

The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"


1. John uses the term "Logos" for the creative power of God. The term Logos is also used by:

a. Matthew

b Mark

c. Appolonius of Tyre

d. Poimandres


2. The Logos is:

a. the final result of the creation

b  the precursor of God

c. the Pancrator

d. preexistent to the creation



3. The Logos is:

a. the voice of God

b  the archangel

c. principalities and powers

d. light



4. The man "sent by God" is:

a. Elijah

b  Peter

c. John the Evangelist

d.  John the Baptist



5. When the true light came into the world:

a.  Magic was overthrown

b   Death was swallowed up in victory

c.  The heavens were shaken

d.  The world did not know him


6.  Those who believed him:

a.  were called disciples

b  were called Christians

c. became a little lower than the angels

d. became Sons of God


7.  Who has seen his glory?

a.  John

b   Peter

c.  Mary

d.  Nicodemus


8. From his fulness we have received -- what?:

a.  faith

b   hope

c.  love

d.  grace


9. The law was given through:

a.  Isaiah

b   Moses

c.  Noah

d.  Philo

10. Who has seen God?:

a.  Adam

b   Moses

c.  Isaiah

d.  Ezekiel
