Answers to Trivia Questions December 2009


1.    Clement approvingly cites Judith, who assassinated -- :

a.  Jezebel

b.  Sisera

c.  Holofernes

d.  Sennacherib

c.  Holofernes was a general of Nebuchadnezzar, besieging the city of Bethulia.   Judith entered the camp, seduced the general and then cut off his head.   The Hebrews won the subsequent battle.  The story is told in the Apocryphal Book of Judith.

2.  Clement writes that God desires nothing of anyone except -- :


a.  love

b.  tithes

c.  humility

d.  confession

d.  “The Lord, brethren, stands in need of nothing; and He desires nothing of any one except that confession be made to Him.”  (Corinthians 52)

3.  According to Ignatius, what was destroyed at the Incarnation? :

a.  ignorance

b.  wickedness

c.  death

d.  magic

d.   magic.  “Everywhere magic crumbled away before (the star); the spells of sorcery were all broken, and superstition received its death blow.”  (Ephesians 19)