Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church
Lay Academy – The Bible in Context
11/28/2010 | Your Prayers Should be Different | The Didache | Didache 8-14 |
The church to which the Didache is addressed appoints its own bishops and deacons. It has visits from prophets and "apostles" together with a number of "false prophets". The criteria given for detecting if a prophet is false is if he stays morte than three days. However a true prophet must be honored and when he speaks in ecstasy, his words should not be questioned.
The Didache contains the first known eucharistic prayers, unlike those in use today -- indeed, we toyed with the idea that these were Jewish prayers with some of the names changed.
The symbolism is unfamiliar; the broken bread is a symbol of the dispersed church, and the wine reflects the "vine of David".
The Didache ends, rather unexpectedly, with a dramatic description of the Last Days.