Chavy Chase Presbyterian Church
Lay Academy
The Bible in Context
Acts 3 "Silver and Gold Have I None"
October 7, 2007, 9:30 a.m.
The answers may be multiple or "none of the above"
1. Peter and John were going to the Temple to:
a. pray
b. give alms
c. confront the high priest
d. preach to the crowds
2. Peter and John met the cripple at the:
a. Court of the Gentiles
b. Nicanor Gate
c. Beautiful Gate
d. Porch of Solomon
3. The man had been lame:
a. Since the age of 16
b. since falling from a wall
c. since an attack of arthritis
d. since birth
4. The lame man asked for:
a. absolution
b. help
c. healing
d. money
5. Peter commanded the man to walk in the name of:
a. Jesus the Son of God
b. the Son of Man
c. Jesus of Galilee
d. Jesus of Nazareth
6. Peter addressed the crowd as:
a. People of Jerusalem
b. Lovers of God
c. Countrymen
d. Men of Israel
7. "The God of our fathers has glorified his ---":
a. Son
b. Prophet
c. Logos
d. Servant
8. Peter said that the crowd had acted:
a. in good faith
b. maliciously
c. in ignorance
d. stupidly
9. Peter told the crowd to:
a. depose the High Priest
b. expel the Romans from the temple
c. preach the Word of God
d. repent
10. Jesus would remain in heaven until:
a. heaven and earth had passed away
b. God restored everything
c. Elijah returned
d. the Day of the Lord