Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church

Lay Academy

He is to Come -- Zephaniah to Malachi

Peter Combes – March 11, 2001

(The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above")


1.        Zephaniah's great-grandfather was:
  1. Hezekiah
  2. Ahab
  3. Josiah
  4. Amos
2.      Zephaniah foresaw Nineveh inhabited by:
  1. Chaldeans
  2. camels and jackals
  3. lions and bears
  4. owls
3.        Haggai said that the Lord had called for a drought because: 
  1. his house lay in ruins
  2. widows were neglected
  3. the king was a usurper
  4. foreign gods were worshiped
4.         Zechariah said God would be like: 
  1. a whirlwind
  2. a rushing river
  3. an eagle
  4. a wall of fire
5.        Zechariah, Amos, and John, the writer of Revelation, all saw:
  1. four horns
  2. a man with a measuring line
  3. a flying scroll
  4. four horsemen
6.        Zechariah saw the arrival of a king:
  1. in a chariot
  2. flying on the back of an angel
  3. riding a black horse
  4. riding a donkey
7.        Zechariah tells the story of:
  1. the good shepherd
  2. the wicked nephew
  3. the Good Samaritan
  4. the woman at the well
8.        Zechariah and Revelation both saw:
  1. water flowing out of Jerusalem
  2. water flowing into Jerusalem
  3. Jerusalem descending from heaven
  4. Jerusalem in flames
9.        Zechariah prophesied that the bells of horses would be inscribed :
  1. "Holy to the Lord"
  2. "I will cause thee to ride upon the high places"
  3. "The riders on horses shall be confounded"
  4. "His horses are swifter than eagles
10.      Which of the following is from Malachi:
  1. "The Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple"
  2. "Lo, I will send you the prophet Elijah"
  3. "Will anyone rob God?"
  4. "The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him"