Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

The Battering Ram is Mounted


Peter Combes – September 22, 2002


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(The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above")


1.        The book of Nahum appears to have been written after:
  1. the fall of Jerusalem
  2. the fall of Samaria
  3. the fall of Thebes
  4. the fall of Nineveh
2.      Nahum denounces:
  1. religious syncretism
  2. incest
  3. military power
  4. unscrupulous commerce
3.        (advanced)  Verses 2-11 are an incomplete: 
  1. sonnet
  2. acrostic
  3. limerick
  4. haiku
4.         "Behold on the mountain -- " -- what?: 
  1. angels
  2. eagles
  3. ibex
  4. feet
5.         Nineveh would be attacked by soldiers wearing:
  1. red
  2. white
  3. blue
  4. green
6.       Nahum mentions the critical military weakness of Nineveh: 
  1. the lack of a water supply
  2. the dam above the city
  3. the overhanging cliffs
  4. the catacombs
7.        God will burn the:
  1. statues
  2. spears
  3. chariots
  4. altars
8.          Nineveh is compared to a harlot.  Other cities described like this include:
  1. Rome
  2. Babylon
  3. Jerusalem
  4. Bethlehem
9.        The princes of Nineveh are like:
  1. lions
  2. jackals
  3. eagles
  4. grasshoppers
10.       The image of the smashing of infants is also used by:
  1. Isaiah
  2. Jeremiah
  3. Amos
  4. the Psalmist