Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

Bring No Comfort 

Jeremiah: Chapters 14-18

Peter Combes – January 20, 2002

Printable version

(The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above")

1.        Chapter 14 of Jeremiah concerns: 
  1. a foreign invasion
  2. a locust attack
  3. a whirlwind
  4. a drought
2.      In reply to the people's prayers, God promises:
  1. forgiveness
  2. rain
  3. redemption
  4. plague
3.        God promises punishment for the sins of:
  1. Ahab
  2. Josiah
  3. Manassah
  4. Uzziah
4.        God promises to turn Jeremiah into a:
  1. warrior
  2. prophet
  3. king
  4. wall

5.        God promises Jeremiah:

  1. a beautiful wife
  2. many sons
  3. many daughters
  4. prosperity
6.       God promises to bring the people back from the:
  1. North
  2. South
  3. East
  4. West
7.       The sins of Judah are written with a pen of:
  1. iron
  2. gold
  3. silver
  4. diamond
8.     God will bring prosperity to Jerusalem if the people:
  1. make sacrifices
  2. sing psalms
  3. love their neighbors
  4. keep the sabbath
9.     God compares Israel to:
  1. gold
  2. silver
  3. wood
  4. clay

10.     Jeremiah asks that his enemies be:

  1. forgiven
  2. corrected
  3. turned into friends
  4. destroyed