Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church

Lay Academy

The Servant Songs -- Isaiah 40-66

Peter Combes – January 21, 2001

(The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above")


1.    Which of the following is not from Isaiah:
  1. "Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people"
  2. "No peace for the Wicked"
  3. "We had all strayed like sheep"
  4. "I will send Elijah the prophet"
2.        Isaiah prophesies that the Servant will:
  1. be silent before his accusers
  2. be buried in a rich man's tomb
  3. be scourged
  4. feed five thousand
3.        Isaiah prophesies that the Servant will: 
  1. have a voice of thunder
  2. not raise his voice
  3. speak with the tongues of angels
  4. speak from the throne of God
4.         "How beautiful on the mountains are --------": 
  1. the cedars of Lebanon
  2. the altars of the Lord
  3. the children of Israel
  4. the feet of the messenger
5.          King _________ is described as the Anointed, the Messiah:
  1. David
  2. Hezekiah
  3. Cyrus
  4. Solomon
6.         Isaiah says that God requires a fast of:
  1. taking no food for 40 days
  2. sleeping on sackcloth and ashes
  3. taking the homeless into your house
  4. making men work harder
7.        The great leader will come from:
  1. Nazareth
  2. Bethlehem
  3. Bozrah
  4. Babylon
8.         Eunuchs who keep the Sabbath and the covenant will receive:
  1. golden treasure
  2. no reward
  3. white robes
  4. an everlasting name
9.          Foreigners will be:
  1. kept out of the temple
  2. given a temple of their own
  3. invited into the house of prayer
  4. restricted to the outer court
10.       Isaiah prophesied that in the future:
  1. there will be no light from the sun
  2. there will be no light from the moon
  3. there will be no light from the stars
  4. the Lord will be the everlasting light