Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church

Lay Academy

Signs and Wonders -- Daniel

Peter Combes – February 11, 2001

On February 11, 2001, class will begin at 8.30 a.m.

(The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above")


1.        Ezekiel names as saints:
  1. Noah, Daniel, and Job
  2. Moses, Samuel, and David
  3. Melchizedek, Zadok, and Levi
  4. Adam, Joseph, and Solomon
2.       The Book of Daniel is written in:
  1. Hebrew
  2. Greek
  3. Aramaic
  4. Latin
3.        Daniel's Persian name was: 
  1. Meschach
  2. Belteshazzar
  3. Belshazzar
  4. Hystaspis
4.       Nebuchadnezzar dreamed of a statue made of: 
  1. gold, silver, bronze, iron, and clay
  2. silver and steel
  3. wood and bronze
  4. lead and copper
5.         When Ashach, Meschach, and Abednego were thrown bound into the furnace:
  1. A fourth man was seen in the furnace
  2. They were not burned
  3. The fire was put out by an angel
  4. They were seen to be unbound
6.         Daniel's title was:
  1. Ruler of the Province of Babylon
  2. Interpreter of Dreams
  3. King's Counselor
  4. Chief Magician
7.       The writing on the wall at Belshazzar's feast was:
  1. a shekel, a shekel. half a shekel
  2. mene, mene, tekel upharsim
  3. You are weighed in the balance and found wanting
  4. Your kingdom is at an end
8.         Daniel had a vision of:
  1. the Ancient of Days
  2. the Son of Man
  3. four great beasts
  4. a beast with ten horns
9.       Daniel predicted:
  1. the destruction of the temple
  2. the return of Elijah
  3. a prince from Bethlehem
  4. the dominance of Greece
10.      The Book of Daniel mentions:
  1. Redemption
  2. Resurrection
  3. Atonement
  4. Baptism