Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy


We Know You Have a Demon

        John 8:31-59

Peter Combes – January 9, 2005


The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"


1. (Advanced) The quotation used in verse 32 is the motto of:

a.  HUD

b   the OAS

c.  the UN

d.  the CIA

2. "The Jews" replied that:

a.  scripture was sufficient for salvation

b   they had never been slaves

c.  temple sacrifice was necessary for atonement

d.  the temple was the highest authority

3. Jesus said he had been:

a.  in the Father's presence

b   in the Seventh Heaven

c.  at the creation of the world

d.  in the mind of the Father

4. Jesus said his opponents were children of:

a.  Abraham

b   Adam

c.  the Holy Spirit

d.  the devil

5. "The Jews" suggested that Jesus was:

a.  a devil

b   a Samaritan

c.  a Herodian

d.  a Pharisee


6. "The Jews" asked if Jesus were greater than:

a.  John the Baptist

b.  Elijah

c.  Gamaliel

d.  Abraham

7.  Jesus said that those who kept his word would:

a. be transformed by the spirit

b  walk in his ways

c. never see death

d. be like angels in heaven

8.  Jesus said he was glorified by:

a. Abraham

b  John the Baptist

c. God

d. the Holy Spirit


9.  Jesus was:

a. under 20

b  under 30

c. under 40

d. under 50


10.  "the Jews" attempted to:

a. arrest Jesus

b  expel him from the temple

c. declare him the Messiah

d. stone him

