Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy


Water Into Wine

        John 2

Peter Combes – October 10, 2004

The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"


1. When Jesus' mother told him there was no wine, he told her:

a.  that is a problem for the wine-steward

b   the guests should drink water

c.  a miracle was needed

d.  his hour had not come

2.  The total amount of water turned into wine was:

a.  7 pints

b   7 gallons

c.  70 gallons

d.  180 gallons

3.  After Cana, Jesus pays a visit to:

a. Bethlehem

b  Beth-horon

c. Bethesda

d. Capernaum

4. John describes the Cleansing of the Temple at the start of Jesus' ministry.  The Synoptics place it:

a.  at the beginning of Passion Week

b   after the Transfiguration

c.  after the Resurrection

d.  after the interview with the High Priest

5. The sacrificial animals that are only mentioned in John are:

a.  pigeons

b   sheep

c.  cattle

d.  doves

6.  Words of Jesus that were quoted against him at his trial were:

a.  "Destroy this temple"

b  " I am the Messiah"

c. "Zeal for thy house has consumed me"

d. "Out of Egypt have I called my son"

7.  Challenged by the Jews, Jesus quotes:

a.  Psalm 69

b   Zechariah 9

c.  Daniel 7

d.  II Kings 9

8. How many years had it taken to build the temple:

a.  7

b   17

c.  46

d.  122

9. Jesus had come to Jerusalem to:

a.  sit on the throne of the Messiah

b   celebrate the Passover

c.  meet with the High Priest

d.  preach in the temple

10. Many "gave their allegiance" to Jesus, but:

a.  they wanted the wrong things

b   they thought the end of world was imminent

c.  he thought them insufficient for his task

d.  he did not trust them

