Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy


Hail, King of the Jews

        John 19: 1-22

Peter Combes –April 24, 2005, 9:30 a.m.

The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"


1. Jesus was dressed in royal purple by:

a.  temple police

b   Herodian troops

c.  Roman troops

d.  priests

2. Jesus was addressed as "King of the Jews" by:

a.  disciples

b   Pilate

c.  temple police

d.  soldiers


3. The Jews said that Jesus had committed the crime of:

a.  being a pretender to the throne

b   leading sedition

c.  rioting

d.  claiming divinity


4. Asked where he came from, Jesus said:

a.  Nazareth

b   Galilee

c.  heaven

d.  nothing


5. Jesus said that Pilate's power derived from:

a.  the Roman emperor

b   the Roman senate

c.  the will of the people

d.  God


6. John omits:

a.  the crime of those crucified with Jesus

b   the trial before Herod

c.  Simon of Cyrene

d.  the inscription on the cross


7. Pilate presents Jesus to the Jews as:

a.  preacher

b   innocent man

c.  counselor

d.  king

8.  "(Pilate) handed him over to them to be crucified."  Who were they?:

        a.   chief priests

        b.   temple police

        c.   Roman soldiers

        d.   Herodian soldiers


9. According to John, the crucifixion took place:

a.  before the Passover

b   during the Passover

c.  after the Passover

d.  at night


10. The inscription on the cross was written in:

        a.   Hebrew

        b.   Aramaic

        c.   Greek

        d.   Latin




