Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

Sin Which is Mortal

        1 John 5

Peter Combes – June 26, 2005

Note that class starts at 8:30 a.m.

The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"


1.  Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is:

a.  a friend of God

b    a child of God

c.  a slave of God

d.  a servant of God

2. The world is overcome by:

a.  love

b   faith

c.  hope

d.  resolution


3. Jesus came by:

a.  the air

b   water

c.  blood

d.  the Spirit


4. The "three witnesses" are:

a.  Peter, John, and James

b   Moses, Elijah and Ezekiel

c.  the Spirit, water, and blood

d.  John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene, and Pontius Pilate


5. God has given us eternal:

a.  faith

b   hope

c.  love

d. life


6. God will give life to:

a.  all without sin

b   those cleansed from sin

c.  those with any kind of sin

d.  those with non-mortal sin



7. One should ask for life for one's:

a.  brother

b   son

c.   wife

d.   parent


8. One who is born of God:

        a.   does not sin

        b.   sins, but is forgiven

        c.   sins, but not mortally

        d.   sins in every way



9. The whole world is in the power of:

        a.   the Father

        b.   the Son

        c.   the Holy Ghost

        d.   the Evil One


10. John's last instruction is to:

        a.   love one another

        b.   do not sin

        c.   pray together

        d.   avoid idols


