Barnabas 1-4

Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church

Lay Academy – The Bible in Context




11/21/2010 Way of Life and Way of Death The Didache Didache 1-6


The Didache was well known to many early authors, but disappeared from view intil the late 19th century, when a full copy was found in the Constantinople library of the Patriarch of Jerusalem.


We compared it to documents such as the Presbyterian Book of Order, and the Methodist Book of Discipline, documents that specify how churches are to be run.   The Didache has a global view, and appears to be an early one, before the emphasis of the power of the bishop (monoepiscopy) developed.


Though differently worded, the opening treatment of "The Two Ways" is evocative of the final section of the Epistle of Barnabas.  It is interrupted by an extensive set of dominical statements.


The long list of prohibitions in "The Way of Death" include abortion and child murder, not mentioned in the New Testament.  Possibly they became necessary as Christianity moved into the Graeco-Roman world where such practices were tolerated.  However, slavery is assumed.  The position on food offered to idols is halfway between the Jerusalem total prohibition and Paul's "don't ask" advice.


Baptism is defined by procedure, with a tolerance for for different methods of implementation: running or stored water may be used, and its temperature is irrelevant.  It is seen as a ritual of entry into the church..


We discussed some forerunners to Christian baptism -- the Essene purification baths, and purification rituals in the Jerusalem temple.