Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

I Will Sweep the Earth


Peter Combes – October 6, 2002

Printable Version

(The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above")


1.        Zephaniah was Hezekiah's:
  1. son
  2. grandson
  3. great grandson
  4. great great grandson
2.      Zephaniah's father was:
  1. Samaritan
  2. Syrian
  3. Ethiopian
  4. Egyptian
3.       At the time of Zephaniah, Jerusalem contained priests of: 
  1. Aphrodite
  2. Baal
  3. Milcom
  4. Zoroaster
4.         Zephaniah condemns those who wear: 
  1. women's clothes
  2. foreign clothes
  3. priestly clothes
  4. theatrical clothes
5.         "I will punish those who rest complacently on their -- ":
  1. beds
  2. chairs
  3. thrones
  4. dregs
6.       In order to be hidden from God's wrath, people should seek: 
  1. chastity
  2. humility
  3. poverty
  4. faith
7.        God's wrath will be directed against:
  1. Egypt
  2. Tyre
  3. Ethiopia
  4. Moab
8.          Nineveh shall be occupied by:
  1. seraphim
  2. demons
  3. warriors
  4. owls
9.        God promises a revolution that will be:
  1. socio-economic
  2. theological
  3. political
  4. phonetic
10.       The people shall seek refuge in:
  1. Shiloh
  2. Edom
  3. the temple
  4. the Word of the Lord