Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy Sennacherib Defeated  Isaiah Chapters 35-41 Peter Combes – October 28, 2001 (The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above") 1.        Sennacherib's chief general has the title:  Pancrator Shahenshah Pendragon Rabshakah 2.        The general said he would: bombard the city walls with rocks fire flaming arrows into the city cut off the water supply donate 2,000 horses 3.     Isaiah said Sennacherib would return to Nineveh because of: rebellion an omen a Northern invasion a rumor 4.        185,000 Assyrians were killed by: an earthquake Egyptians plague an angel 5. Isaiah cured the king with: high-level amputation prayer sacrifice a fig poultice 6.        As a sign to Hezekiah, God made: the sun go backwards the Red Sea divide the Nile dry up 7.       (advanced) Chapter 39, v.7 is the opening of : the Messiah Belshazzar's Feast the Magnificat Missa Solemnis 8. St. Matthew associates Isaiah 40:3 with: Jesus Paul Peter John the Baptist 9. "All flesh is like grass" is quoted in: Hebrews 8:12 I Peter 1:24 II Timothy 2:11 Colossians 4:27 10.      Abraham is described as God's: ambassador high priest slave friend